Sunday, January 25

Beast (Part 3) by Ella James

Return to La Rosa Prison as Annabelle tries to save Beast from his grizzly fate. Her tongue and hands are doing most of the saving. 

Okay, not really. 

I know that I had mentioned that this series wasn't really doing it for me. But then again, I hate DNFing a book or a series that I have already started so here I am again. Although I admit that this could be blamed to my fascination with the show Prison break from years ago.

So here we are, at the third novella of this series. One again, I went through pages of dirty cops and the evil of money. Other than that, I don't know what else to think because the story just got ridiculous and was kind of all over the place. 

I wanted this story to really work because I had really loved all its possibilities when I came across the first novella. Thankfully there's only one more novella to go through. Let's see if that one would be this series' saving grace.

Final verdict: 5/10. Okay read.

Beast series reviews:
Beast (Part 1)
Beast (Part 2)


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