Thursday, September 8

Review: Watch Me

Watch Me Watch Me by Ada Frost
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was as ridiculous and funny as it was entertaining! OMG! I did not expect it is the least that I can say.

After reading how the blurb went, I had different expectations from this book. It gives off the sexy/filthy vibes considering that Lawson owns an adult entertainment company. I mean, don't get me wrong. There certainly was enough sexy to fill this book--and sexy is just saying it mildly. But damn, I did not expect the funny sides to this read. Some scenes are just too hilarious to be possible. Going off on different tangents can be negative for most stories but it just added to the charm to this book. And Abby? I think I can be best friends with her!

It was just sad that there was probably little proofreading that went into this work. Punctuation marks are important, okay?! Thankfully, I was entertained enough but it doesn't change the fact that a better edited book is importante!

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