Wednesday, December 4

Scored by Lily Harlem

Okay, so I eat, sleep and breathe football and reporting the beautiful game is my dream career. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have time for a major crush on the England captain, Lewis Tate. The bloke is sex on legs, hot with a capital H. Add in his awe-inspiring talent, his brooding good looks and what’s not to lust after?

So my excitement is sky-high as I set off with the official press team to cover England’s battle for the European Cup. But when a series of unfortunate, or as it turns out fortunate events, attracts Tate’s attention my way, who am I to say no?

Add in a misogynistic manager, an over-zealous colleague, two blue silk ties and some incredible ball-handling skills and it becomes clear the road to victory, for me, will be an intensely erotic journey. Determined to savor every moment, I hang onto my sanity as best I can while living the fantasy and wondering if it can ever become reality. Because once Lewis Tate has taken me to heaven and back, its clear no one else will ever compare.

I'm such a sucker for sports so it would go without saying that I'm a goner when it comes to sports romances. So imagine me jumping up and when I came across this book. Oh, sweet lord, a football romance story!

Okay, so I didn't really jump up and down...but I really wanted to! I was that excited.

The premise was simple enough but I really didn't expect the entire story to be that simple. I would've really liked a deeper element in the story and not just on Lewis Tate and Nicky Thomas' romance. That was a given so I thought this would've been a more interesting read if there were more to the story than that.

I also have a thing for punctuation marks. (I personally think that Oxford commas are sexy.) It kind of gets old when when you don't get too far into the book and realize that you will have to second guess some punctuations for the rest of the book. Yes, it was a relief when, at times, I realize that a question mark or a period is the right punctuation at the end of the sentence. Edit, edit, edit.

If I was that high upon finding this book, I was bit disappointed when I finished it. I was left there with a "That's it?!"

But I must say that there were a number of saving graces: The most important ones being that this was a romance set in football and I have a footballer for a hero. The perfect excuse to use one of my favorite footballers as the hero. Also, I'm an England fan...well, I'm really a Beckhamist. So I cheer for England even if these days a win is hard to find. ***SPOILER*** And England wins the European Cup in this book--something that will probably never happen in my lifetime. I also don't know if Ms Harlem was being hopeful or sarcastic about using the penalty shootout as the climax of the finals match but any self-respecting England fan knows England never wins in the pens. It's almost tradition.

Irony: The finals in this book was England versus Spain but it's kind of ironic that right off the bat, I had a real-life Spanish national player in my head while reading this book.

Final verdict: 7/10. Okay read.


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