Monday, January 27

Exposing Alix by Inara Scott

Under the name Alix Z, Daisy Zahn was once a wildly successful director of romantic, erotic movies that celebrated love and sex in equal measure. But when her pursuit of love left her with nothing but heartache, Daisy left Hollywood behind for a small town in Oregon. At least, she thought she’d left it behind. Until Ryker Valentine showed up at her door with an offer she couldn’t refuse...

Bad boy actor-director Ryker wants nothing to do with love or romance but he does want to win an Oscar. So when critics complain his love scenes are too cold, he seeks out the mysterious Alix Z to add her sexy, art house spin to his latest film. Ryker quickly finds himself fascinated by Alix’s combination of innocence and unrestrained sensuality, and determined to show her that sex doesn’t have to be cluttered with love.

If only he can keep his own heart out of the shot...

The blurb intrigued me enough to make me pick up this book. Not to mention that the premise was a tad interesting.

This is my first Inara Scott book and although I have not totally warmed up to her style yet, I'm liking it enough and already planning on looking for the rest of her stuff. Okay, maybe it wasn't so much as warming up to IS's style of writing as much warming up to Ryker's character. I really wanted to kick his ass. No, really. And because IS really put together a great narrative, POV-wise.

So, yes, I'd say that my problem was really with Ryker. And surprisingly enough, his story also gripped me the strongest. I'm easy when it comes to family angles and it wasn't any different in this book. There. Were. Tears.

The secondary characters in this book were also great to read. And oh, there was a second love story in the story, too. Although I thought that the end was a bit rushed (a.k.a. Alix should have made Ryker sweat), the epilogue sort of made up for it.

Final verdict: 7/10. Okay read.


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