Thursday, June 19

The Billion-Dollar Marriage Contract by Alyssa Urbano

Doomed from the start...

Nikos Demakis and Cassia Andrade were married under a billion-dollar company merger contract. Nikos isn't ready to give up his playboy lifestyle, and Cassia is far from the glittering socialite that their elite circle expects. Events force them to live separate lives.

Ten years later, Nikos is ready to give it all up and settle down with the wife he only sees once a year. Cassia is also ready to settle down...just not with Nikos. 

Will Cassia once again surrender herself to the man who scarred her forever? Or will she give up her inherited fortune to leave and never look back? Will they still be able to fulfill the terms of their billion-dollar marriage contract, when death and danger stalks them at every turn?

The premise of the book right away attracted me because when I stumbled on this book, I was looking for a feel-good read. But as it turned out, this wasn't the feel-good read that I was expecting because aside the romance that I was looking for, the story was injected with enough action to get me reading this book in one sitting.

In short, this was an absolute surprise. Although I wasn't able to really connect with the main characters, there was enough chemistry here that really kept me on the story. There were was some regular romance cliches to the plot but I still enjoyed the play of intrigued weaved right into the romance.

This is another gem of a find because I didn't know that the author is a fellow Filipino. After this, I could probably say that I can spot it when a book has an "accent" when it isn't written by a native speaker. This was the second time I felt it, didn't mind it, but turned out that the gut feel was right. I'd love to see if I will be able to do so sometime in the future again.

Final verdict: 6/10. Okay read.


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