Saturday, July 19

Sex Me Up Readathon

Sooo...first, let me apologize for this long overdue and definitely last-minute blog post for the Sex Me Up Readathon happening next week. Yep! It's going to be running on July 21 to 25. That will be Monday until Friday NEXT freakin' WEEK!!! And this post was supposed to be up by last weekend at the latest. Ha, I even tweeted about it. Fail. Typical.

Anyway, what is Sex Me Up Readathon and why join it? Now, I would like to thank the ladies over at the Gosling Girls Book Tour and The Hot Bed  for coming up with this readathon. See, I love romance novels and the sexier, the better. (And when I say sexy, I don't always mean a book that is all sex.) But whenever the subject of reading comes up with people that don't really know me well, I tend to shy off from discussing the books I read. This came about when someone made a passing comment that I should do more "intelligent" reading. I might have felt insecure at that time and that was probably why I started this blog because I needed a place where I can talk about books. But I have eventually come to the realization that no one tells me what to read. Screw people who judge what other people do!

This is actually going to be my first readathon (imagine that!) because I have always loved to read at my pace. But then again, we are talking about sexy books here so who am I to let this pass? I read them more than half the time anyway so this should be a piece of cake. (LOL! Let's see how I will fare by the end of next week.) I have never had a hard time talking about sex with friends but somehow there is still that apprehension talking abour sex in books. I admit that there are still times that I don't admit to having have read Fifty Shades of Grey. I love Christian Grey, okay? Sue me. But next week's readathon should be the perfect time to talk about sex and sexy people in sexy stories in steamy, sexy books. I'll be the first one to admit that my TBR pile is probably 80% dirty. Aint't changing that so suck it up. Pun intended.

This might be a bit late to give recommendations but what the heck, these recos are for everyone who are not done doing their Sex Me Up TBR list yet. I'm so glad that I see a lot of people choosing Christina Lauren's Beautiful Bastard series for the readathon. Hell, yeah! I finished this series earlier this year and it was soooooo good and definitely a great choice. Another reco would have to be Jodi Ellen Malpas' This Man trilogy. This may have a few shades of Fifty in it but it was still a beautiful read--you'll never look at peanut butter the same way again! For our rockstar-loving readers, you can't go wrong if you pick up Olivia Cunning's Sinners On Tour series. Holy guacamole! I'm not done with this series yet but I love, love, love each of the books I've already finished--talk about steamy sex and some very lovely and well-written characters. Everything goes in this series that even yours truly had some wtf moments. And lastly, for those who haven't tried M/M romance, you might give Ella Frank's Try, well, a try. This was only my third M/M read and first intentional one (the other two being parts of series and I didn't see coming). I have yet to read the second book but I think I'll love it regardless.

As to my own TBR for the readathon, I have chosen to go with standalones only. I am currently into several series already so I'll take this opportunity to have a break from them. These things are hard to find though as every book out there seem to be parts of series. Phew! So here are what I will be reading next week:

It should be awesome.

And then what's a lovely reading time without music? If there's anything I love as much as I do books, it will have to be music. So I came up with this playlist of, ahem, what I think are sexy songs just to set the mood for next week. Everyone may not agree with my choices but here is my smutify playlist anyway.


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