Sunday, September 18

Review: Porn Star

Porn Star Porn Star by Laurelin Paige
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

First of all, I just would like ask about what kind of research goes into the writing a book of this plot. Because you do research for material before you write to make things sound more authentic. Right? Hmmm, I wonder. *giggles*

Soooooo, Logan O'Toole. How do I review thy book, mister? My god! Tell me again why did I delay reading this book? I guess with a title like that, it's pretty much a given that this was going to be a hot, hot, hot read. But I was not ready for everything this book dished out on my poor (ahem, depraved) soul.

Yes, the sex and the romps is pretty much expected but I really liked how Logan and Devi were humanized and the story really focused on them as people and what they think about their jobs. The fact that Devi was so open about her job to her parents was really a nice touch. Gotta love her folks! I only wished there were similar scenes between Logan and his parents as well--although it was still great to read that he had a great relationship with them. There were times when I forgot that they were porn stars.

But the romance between these two though. Whaaaaaa! I loved how realistic the emotions seemed to be, especially halfway through the book. (Ugh, it's so hard to do this without giving away spoilers!) It's not like a fairy tale. They cannot just automatically switch off from their previous lives and have their HEA. But damn, what happened in between made for some really good reading. Who would have thought that a book that has the word porn in its title would get me teary-eyed in the end?

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