Wednesday, January 4

Review: A Cranberry Inn Christmas

A Cranberry Inn Christmas A Cranberry Inn Christmas by Beth Ehemann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ahhh, my original hockey boys! I may hot have read the rest of the series yet outside of Brody and Kacie's story but reading this Christmas novella makes me wanna go back to the holidays and just read everything.

This was a fun, and yet emotional, read. It was fun to revisit these old characters and how they (and their families!) have grown. These kind of books always give off happy vibes. Brody was still his swoony self trying to make everything work for Kacie's wish of a perfect Christmas--with the eternal help of Viper as well. Brody being surrounded by all his girls was really something to read--he was too adorable for my ovaries to remain intact! Hahaha!

This was also an emotional read because we had to say bye-bye to the Cranberry Inn. (Are we, really?) This was where it all started and it was sad that it had to go to somebody else. I have to be honest, I really wished that one of the guys was the buyer, especially Brody. But it would've been too perfect or too predictable, yeah?

I got the proper giggles and the touch of tears where they mattered. This was indeed a wonderful holidays read from BE.

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