Tuesday, December 26

Review: Royally Matched

Royally Matched Royally Matched by Emma Chase
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sooo, I have been pitifully absent in the reading game for the most part of the year. This was the longest reading slump I have ever had in my entire life. I can only promise to do better moving forward since there's just no sufficient excuse for it.

I finished this book a while back. Months ago, in fact. But I haven't gotten around to reviewing it so I had no choice but to reread it while I'm enjoying my holidays. And I was thankful that I chose to pick this book up to break my slump--this was a great read. Well, we can never go wrong with an EC read.

I had my doubts about Henry when I first met him in the first book. But this book turned out to be one wonderful surprise and made me change my mind about our hero. His chemistry with Sarah is crazy good and I just gobbled it up. Even if this was a reread, I did not hurry through it. And I still felt all the wonderful things I did the first time I read it. Ahhh.

And the best part was right at the end. EC gave us a rather extended epilogue and I loved that best. Because the characters needed a bit of more growing up to do, I really appreciated that touch. I hate when I'm given a hurried closure, an abrupt ending. Not so with this book. This book had the right touch of royally good to it...and the best way to pick up my reading again.

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