Tuesday, September 17

Review: Hooking Up

Hooking Up Hooking Up by Helena Hunting
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ahhh, I am still on my HH binge. Doing good too and never seem to be tiring of it because I just love these books!

As much as cheating is a hard no for me and it did seem like cheating on paper, I really can't fault Amie for how she behaved even before her wedding was annulled. Okay, I have to admit that I had hoped and prayed that Armstrong was not what I thought who he was--I didn't want Amie to get hurt because she seemed like a great friend to Ruby. I really wanted her to have a great HEA.

As it turned out, Armstrong did turn out different--but only for the worse! I totally felt her pain as if it happened to me and could never imagine how I would have dealt with it had it happened to me. Goodness! She did pick up the pieces of her life and moved on as best she could. And I was so glad it was with Lex!

I've been a big fan of Lex since the first book and I fell more in love with him as I went through this story. I am proud to say that I love him more than Bane. Oops! As sad as the circumstance of how they finally got together, I loved how well the story progressed and developed. It didn't come off as forced or too unrealistic. This was a story I was only too happy to sink my teeth into.

And lastly, that cover! *glancing at it every once in a while typing this reiew* Sooo good I can eat it. Yum!

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