Saturday, June 28

Iris by RK Lilley


Who is Iris? Where did she come from? Where has she gone? 

Alasdair Masters has more questions than answers about his new, too young obsession, and when he finds out she’s been lying to him, from their first meeting to their last one, he’s more confused than ever about her feelings, her intentions. 

And what’s just as confusing are his own feelings. Has he turned something purely physical into something emotional in his own head? Is any of it mutual? 

The only thing he doesn’t question is whether he’ll keep going back for more. 

Ahhh, the second book in The Wild Side series. After waking up at 5am today (on a Saturday!), I skipped my morning run and breakfast for this baby. And boy was I glad I did.

Dair and Hannah are at it again two months after their falling out at the end of the first book. But instead of getting answers, this book will leave you more questions that the first book did. I don't think I can handle any more intrigue than than what I already in my plate with these two but I am left with no choice. Such is life.

I would love to itemize some stuff from the book but that will be breaking out the spoilers. Let's just say that RKL is a master of putting together twists that'll hit you when you least expect them. I have given up trying to second guess her storylines and just leave everything to what I'm reading. Go with the flow, as they say. This book just gives more build-up to what, I expect, is going to be a fantastic third book.

Final verdict: 8/10. Great entertaining read.

The Wild Side series reviews:
The Wild Side


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