Friday, January 30

Autumn In London by Louise Bay

Anna Kirby went to New York to escape heartbreak and have some fun. She wasn't meant to meet someone...someone like Ethan. Now, back in London, she's having to get over a man who's three thousand miles away...

Ethan Scott broke every one of his rules during his week with Anna and now he can't seem to go back to life before her. A business trip to London gives him the opportunity to change his rules for good. Will he take it?

Aha, so we have come to Ethan and Anna's second novella. I don't have expectations except that I will have an effin' blast reading this because I just found out from reading the first part of this series that LB is an awesome writer. Yessum!

This novella picked up several weeks after the end of the previous one. Anna was trying to get her life back to normal after, not only her cheating ex, but also from her no-strings weekend with Ethan in New York. She was getting a semblance of normalcy only to find out that Ethan was in London--handling the takeover of his firm...of her own firm.

Let's just say I went all gooey and mushy inside because the chemistry between these two was just crazy sweet to read about. As expected, there was minimal drama except that they were technically two continents apart. I'm not talking about Europe and Asia; I'm talking about how there's the Atlantic Ocean between the two of them and their lives!

But still, they had three months to spend together and find out that they were not just having a fling anymore and the arrangement that they had was far from no-strings. There might not be huge drama in the story but shiznit, we get another airport goodbye at the end of this book. As if I don't hate goodbyes enough as it is but the airport ones are just hard to take.

It's a good thing I have the third book already. Otherwise, I would be a big mess than necessary if I had to wait for a few more weeks for it to come out. Bring it!

Final read: 9/10. Great read.

The Empire State series reviews:
A Week In New York


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