Sunday, October 2

Review: Dirty Tricks

Dirty Tricks Dirty Tricks by Emma Hart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book really surprised me because I did not know I would enjoy it so much just based on its blurb. Well, from what I have read of Kye in the first three books in the series, I knew him to be the incorrigible cutie pie that I couldn't help but fall in love with. And I was not wrong!

Man, oh, man! Kye and Chelsey were hot, fan myself hot! Hot damn! I thought that their chemistry was so tangible and near to leaping off the pages. I loved reading how Kye steadfastly worked on changing Chelsey's perception of a rockstar. Or of a rockstar's capibility of keeping faithful to a relationship. And this was while Kye himself was coming to terms with the possibility of falling in love...for the first. Everything just meshed so well together.

I've always loved EH's narrative and after this book, I'd say that still holds true. On to the next book! Too bad it'll be the last one in the series. Sigh.

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