Sunday, July 22

Review: Full Mountie

Full Mountie Full Mountie by Ainsley Booth
My rating: 0 of 5 stars

I am a big fan of the first two books of the series and I could re-read them and re-read them and not complain. Suffice it to say that because of that, Lachlan had become one of my favorite characters and I was pretty excited to get my hands on his book.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against an MM romance. I have some favorite ones, too. But this book turned out to be a different kind of surprise. Although I wouldn't blink at reading an MM story, I still don't have a handle for an MMF (or any combo of more than two parties) story. I just can't grasp how that kind of arrangement would work. But I guess, to each their own because I'm sure there are countless out there in this exact kind of relationship.

Although I wished a different ending for Lachlan, I would still say that this was still a good read. It's like a movie that, despite the ending that you didn't want, you cannot deny that it was still a great movie.The AB and SH duo still works--and I hope they never stop working together in coming up with these stories.

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