Wednesday, June 12

Review: The Ruthless Gentleman

The Ruthless Gentleman The Ruthless Gentleman by Louise Bay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Despite the not-so-good experience I had with the last LB book I read (granted that was one of her earlier works), The Ruthless Gentleman succeeded in surprising me in many and good ways. (Although I have to say that Hayden Wolf was the furthest from a gentleman I could think of, what with all his dirty talking.) This book was my very first exposure to yachting crews--what novelty and fun! I didn't know such a thing exists but it was surely a fun feature in the book to get to know for the first time.

I loved Avery and I loved Hayden. Their chemistry was so fun to read there was no doubt about that. The steamy scenes were hot enough but without me going eek. I think I already mentioned the dirty talking, yes? But I was also in love with Avery's go-getter attitude and how she was close to her family. That was echoed by Hayden's close relationship with his brother Landon (please tell me he has a book!).

I loved the well thought out storytelling that despite the simpleness, still managed to surprise me at some points of the story. The pacing was unhurried and the story wrapped up beautifully without being over the top. This was undoubtedly an LB win.

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