Saturday, August 10

Review: Chief of Perversion: A Power Broker Novel

Chief of Perversion: A Power Broker Novel Chief of Perversion: A Power Broker Novel by Sadie Haller
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Ahhh, what can I say except that I was a little disappointed in this book? Okay, let me be honest. I was mighty disappointed. *sad face* I was a fan of the SH's Frisky Beavers series that she co-authored with Ainsley Booth. I have enjoyed AB's solo work and I thought it was high time that I give SH's solo stuff a try.

Unfortunately, I did not find any spark in this book for me at all. I found the narration a bit dry. I thought that only Georgia's character had a back story while I was really disconnected from Heath despite the story being told in dual POV. I guess the most disappointing part for me was that I found no chemistry between the two main characters. It was a struggle finishing this book that when I finally got to the end, the HEA felt more for me than for the love story.

Ugh! Maybe it was just me because I have read some reviews on how good this book was supposed to be. I'm not saying no to SH's work forever. I am determined to find that wow factor that I found in the Frisky Beavers series--not right away but one day.

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