Tuesday, November 5

Review: The Kingmaker

The Kingmaker The Kingmaker by Kennedy Ryan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I cannot believe that The Kingmaker is my very first Kennedy Ryan book. How?! Why?! I may not be able to forgive myself for this crime.

This was an amazing read! *newbie KR fangirl squeal* It was raw and organic, so tangible that it almost didn't feel like a story I was reading. Instead, it felt like I was really in Maxim and Lennix's world and I had a front-row seat to their lives. I always love a good set of well-written characters and this book didn't have a shortage of them. I love how the main characters had a true history and how the story eventually developed from each point of connection between the two of them.

I will not risk giving away spoilers so I will keep this review short. But aaaaaaaaaah! this book was just too much for my lowly self to handle! So sexy, so articulate (made it sexier!), so cohesively thought out. The only bad thing about it is that I have to wait for a few more days to read the second book. I'm gonna expire from waiting! One thing's for sure though. This book and this duet as a whole is gonna be a tough read to follow!

Who wants an Owen book? Please raise your pinkies.

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